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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 20, Issue 4, pp. 1165-1550

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An Efficient, Interface-Preserving Level Set Redistancing Algorithm and Its Application to Interfacial Incompressible Fluid Flow

Mark Sussman and Emad Fatemi

pp. 1165-1191

Fast Algorithms for Periodic Spline Wavelets on Sparse Grids

Kai Bittner

pp. 1192-1213

A Fast Multilevel Algorithm for the Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer Equations in Two Space Dimensions

J. M. Banoczi and C. T. Kelley

pp. 1214-1228

A Vortex-Grid Method for Prandtl's Equations

Gabriella Puppo

pp. 1229-1251

Domain Deformation Mapping: Application to Variational Mesh Generation

Valmor F. de Almeida

pp. 1252-1275

Fitting Data with Errors in All Variables Using the Huber M-estimator

Damaris Hermey and G. Alistair Watson

pp. 1276-1298

Preconditioning for the Steady-State Navier--Stokes Equations with Low Viscosity

Howard C. Elman

pp. 1299-1316

A Gas-Kinetic Scheme for the Euler Equations with Heat Transfer

Kun Xu

pp. 1317-1335

The QLP Approximation to the Singular Value Decomposition

G. W. Stewart

pp. 1336-1348

The Incomplete Factorization Multigraph Algorithm

Randolph E. Bank and R. Kent Smith

pp. 1349-1364

The Fringe Region Technique and the Fourier Method Used in the Direct Numerical Simulation of Spatially Evolving Viscous Flows

Jan Nordström, Niklas Nordin, and Dan Henningson

pp. 1365-1393

Solving Composite Problems with Interface Relaxation

Mo Mu

pp. 1394-1416

Fast Calculation of Multiple Line Integrals

A. Brandt and J. Dym

pp. 1417-1429

The Efficient Computation of Structured Gradients using Automatic Differentiation

Thomas F. Coleman and Gudbjorn F. Jonsson

pp. 1430-1437

Efficient Spectral-Galerkin Methods IV. Spherical Geometries

Jie Shen

pp. 1438-1455

A Second-Order Rosenbrock Method Applied to Photochemical Dispersion Problems

J. G. Verwer, E. J. Spee, J. G. Blom, and W. Hundsdorfer

pp. 1456-1480

Riemann Invariant Manifolds for the Multidimensional Euler Equations

Tasso Lappas, Anthony Leonard, and Paul E. Dimotakis

pp. 1481-1512

Importance of Convection and Damping on Rates of Convergence for the Lax--Wendroff Method

Joseph Kolibal

pp. 1513-1529

Compatible Spectral Approximations for the Velocity-Pressure-Stress Formulation of the Stokes Problem

M. I. Gerritsma and T. N. Phillips

pp. 1530-1550